View Full Version : Where do reads matter less? Limit or NL

08-10-2004, 09:47 AM
I usually 4 table and never really felt too comfortable in the NL atmosphere. I was pulling in about $11/hr playing 4 NL $25's. Not a great winrate but still in the green nontheless. I decided to just move over to $1/$2 limit 4 tabling and found a decent size increase to about $17/hr or 2.2BB/100. I felt that I was unable to make decisions based on my opponents in NL, and missed out on chronic bluffers.

My question is this...

In your experiences (when multi-tabling, and just watching TV or doing other things not paying full attention), do you feel that it is more or less important to have player reads in Limit or No Limit? I guess I just feel more comfortable in not potentially risking my whole stack in one unreadable action by my opponent, as opposed to playing more textbook in limit. Obviously, I am talking about microlimit games. I feel up to 3-6 in limit and the NL $50's is the maximum where player reads are insignificant.

Anyone care to offer their opinion?

08-10-2004, 09:59 AM
reads are more important in NL

08-10-2004, 11:02 AM
I don't have much experience in NL, but I would think that reads are vastly more important there than in limit. Simply because an incorrect read in limit will cost me at most a few bets, an inccorect read in NL can cost me my whole stack.

08-10-2004, 11:12 AM
I decided to just move over to $1/$2 limit 4 tabling and found a decent size increase to about $17/hr or 2.2BB/100.

[/ QUOTE ]

Side question for my own curiosity: You were getting like 400 hands per hour? Were you playing 4 tables of $1/2 6max? I think I average about 200-250 hands per hour playing 4 full (10 person) tables.

08-10-2004, 11:49 AM
Yes it was 6-max. Most of the tables were shorthanded like 3-4 people. Sidenote: the 6max games on the Crypto sites are an absolute joke. Don't quote me on the exact numbers. I spent a LONG time playing NL, and never came to this realization that multi-tabling is so much easier for Limit than No Limit.

I have a real full-time job, I play poker out of enjoyment and some extra spending money each week. I never bothered to maximize the time I allotted for poker. Something to do while on the phone, and watching TV. I feel like I turned over a new leaf playing limit instead of no limit.