View Full Version : Multiple tables or single table ring games?

08-10-2004, 12:37 AM
I am extremely curious as to what some of the more successful two plus two players prefer. I am currently multi tabling 3/6 and 5/10 limits on party poker. I do fairly well, I pull in a fraction a big bet per hour per table which adds up to like 1.5 - 2.5 BB / hour. Lately I have been thinking about just playing a single table 15 / 30 instead and seeing how it goes. I am most likely going to try out the single table idea at a higher limit regardless of anyone's response (if I had the bankroll I might even multi table it). But I would like to know what some others think about multi table / single table.

Also I am fairly confident this must have been discussed before, if anyone knows a good thread so I can read what has been said I would appreciate it. My searches weren't descriptive enough to find anything useful I suppose.

08-10-2004, 01:03 AM
This has been discussed in a few threads as you say, hopefully others know where they are. One thing I'd like to add is to be aware of how easily you get bored or not. My main reason for playing multiple tables is that I get so bored with one table that I start to play worse hands. QTo looks pretty good after folding for an hour. If you have the discipline and patience for one table, then it could be worthwhile, but I think in the end multitabling will win out. One table at a higher limit is probably a good idea to learn that limit, but as you progress, you'll probably want to add at least one other table. Just my two cents.

08-10-2004, 05:45 AM
BR doesn't enter into multitabling if you have the roll to single you have the roll to multi...