View Full Version : Where Do You Draw The Line?

08-09-2004, 11:29 AM
At what point is the request for "sweat" not worthy of response? I see a lot of people posting that they need sweat, but many of the tourneys don't seems like such a big deal.

Can we ask for sweat, for example, at a Sit-n-Go? I would not think so, not even if it was a $500. What is the line?

By the way. what is the purpose of asking a bunch of stangers to come watch you play. Better yet, who is that bored they will come watch?

If I'm doing good at a poker tourney or ring game, I just call my buddies over and say, check this out man! After I pull my pants back up, I show them the computer screen.

Listen, if you are doing well on a tourney, or did well, that is friggin great. If people care, somebody will post it. In fact, if you do real good, go ahead and post your result, people will probably give you a pat on the back.

Finally, what happens when the sweaters come over? Isn't it distracting?

Birdy: Great Play Floppy Joe!

Floppy Joe: Hey Thanks. Who are you, BTW?

Birdy: I am a regular poster at 2+2 and I am coming to
give you some sweat.

Floppy Joe: Cool, I really appreciate it.

Birdy: Yeah, there's a whole bunch of us rooting for
you over here, we really love your posts and
feel we at least owe you some sweat!

Floppy Joe: Cool. After this is over, can you post about
how bitchin' I am?

Birdy: Of course. We gotta stick together, since
there are only about 10 readily identifiable
internet forum posters left at 2+2, so we need
to make a name for ourselves! Also, we are
here hoping for a handout if you hit big, since
it appears you have no real friends, we might
as well be your friends by proxy.

Floppy Joe: Damn Straight!

Birdy: You can say that again!

Floppy Joe: No! Damn Straight! I was too busy chatting
and I didn't see the straight on the board.
Arrrrrrrrrgh. I got trapped all in with top

Birdy: Smell you later, loser!

08-09-2004, 11:40 AM
Asking people to sweat is a great way to give other serious poker players information on how you play. This information can then be used to extratc money.

If a poster wants sweat and I know he/she plays my sites and limits I will gladly come sweat him or her.

Sweating a few players per year has been profitable, however I've never donated money back by asking the public forum to sweat me and take notes.

Like my sheep say I'm a taker not a giver.