View Full Version : Party Support was Johnny on the spot!

08-06-2004, 03:28 PM
While playing a short time ago at a 2/4 table, a player on my direct left progressed from berating fish to using profanity and obscenties. I sent Party an e-mail asking them to caution this players about his language.

Lo and behold, less than five minutes later, a floorperson shows up, to which I state "He's on my left sir." Then the moron accuses me of using profanities, and even began spewing what I allegedly said [which he had fabricated].

I was chuckling as I typed "They do keep a record of the conversations, you know." And a few moments later, the player was gone. Out of curiousity, I then checked my e-mail, and found the following:

"Thank you for contacting us.

Thank you very much for bringing to our attention the use of foul language in the chat box. We will definitely address the situation as soon as possible.

Next time you see someone using offensive language on the tables, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can take immediate action.

Thank you again for helping us maintain a positive atmosphere on our tables.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Care Department at any time. We are here 24/7 to assist you via email.

Thank you for choosing us as your online gaming site!

Poker Customer Care"

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