View Full Version : "Randomness"

06-25-2002, 01:38 PM
Recently, I saw a Holdem game, where one player sucked-out about four times of six hands. He made three straights, and caught the last card for two pair on one Holdem hand. I remarked to my friend, that a human dealer cannot possibly deal cards in a truly random fashion, as would be done by a computer. You would virtually never see a player catch hands, as did the player I observed, if players received computer generated, random cards.

What do you think?

06-25-2002, 02:09 PM
While a human doesn't deal completely random, I doubt that was the reason for the rush you saw which is not very uncommon with computer dealers on-line. Suck-outs are a regular part of hold 'em, they are supposed to happen. Wihtout them there would be no game.

06-25-2002, 03:10 PM

It happens on the internet just as often as in real life. This is the what hooks a gambler. If you could track these players records, you would find out that they are consistant losers.

The same thing happens at the craps table. Even though the house has an advantage, some tables can lose money for an extended period of time. But, over time they make the money. Don't let short term results fool you.

Good Luck


06-25-2002, 04:18 PM
Well, of course the dealer doesn't deal in anything close to a random manner. He deals the next card off the top of the deck. No randomness there.

Perhaps you meant random shuffle. Of course the limited rifles aren't truly random. They are meant to be random only to the extent that one can't predict what the cards will be.

06-25-2002, 07:01 PM
Everyday I witness random winning and losing by random players who bet, check, raise and fold in a mostly random manner. /images/glasses.gif Yesterday, a random tourist bet randomly with random abandon and he left with an unusually large random win. The two random dealers involved were pushing this chap other random players' chips despite three new random decks which were shuffled randomly. /images/angry.gif Babe's random share of the chips was fairly random indeed. /images/ohwell.gif Perhaps you will randomly get the next random winning streak when you randomly play any 2 random cards all the way to that damn random river! /images/tongue.gif Then again, with randomness being what it is, perhaps not. Random or Not... Good Luck Babe.

06-26-2002, 03:22 AM
i think you misunderstand the word 'random'. by its very nature and definition, it assumes long term ideas. so, in 6 deals, no randomness does not occur. we are speaking of only 6 deals here. specific deals, even. in 10000000000 deals, there is enough room for the short-term fluctuations and aberrations for 'random' to emerge.

06-26-2002, 11:51 AM
Random River? Is that out near Henderson somewhere? :-)


06-26-2002, 01:52 PM

06-27-2002, 12:16 PM