View Full Version : My first-ever hand against Mason Malmuth

06-22-2002, 10:15 PM
I had been playing 20-40 Hold'em at the Mirage for a couple hours when Mr. Malmuth himself takes a seat in the game while waiting to get into the 40-80 stud game. With Pokerbabe on my immediate right and Mason three seats to my left, the game was getting a bit tougher.

Mason posted his big blind. Everybody folded to me in the cutoff. I look and see AJo and raise. Button folds. Small blind folds. Mason folds. Whoo-hoo! 1-0 against Mason.

My second hand against Mason was not so impressively played. Two limpers, including Pokerbabe, to me in the cutoff. I limp with Ac5c. Mason checks in the big blind.

The flop is: 5,4,3 rainbow

Mason bets out. Pokerbabe calls. I meakly call with top pair/top kicker/straight draw.

The turn is: 5,4,3,K

Mason checks. Pokerbabe checks. I bet. Mason calls. Pokerbabe folds.

The river is a blank and we check it down. Mason said he had a 3. My pair of 5's wins.

2-0 against Mason! Does this make me an expert? /images/smile.gif

06-23-2002, 02:55 AM
You mean you didn't jump up from the table, whoop, start cackling insanely, and scream "In your face, Malmuth!!!"? I can't believe you missed the opportunity! I've heard that Mason loves being taunted by people who beat his bottom pair....

06-23-2002, 07:28 AM
I would have raised....with the top pair of 5's.......and then after Mason folds show him just an Ace...and say to him "you're just not ready for me yet"

06-23-2002, 07:50 AM

06-23-2002, 12:38 PM
What he must have been holding was...a six.

No way does he call the turn with just bottom pair.

Perhaps he held 3/6, because I certainly cannot be made to believe that he played in the manner reported.

Please, say it ain't so, Mr. Malmuth! You are a hero to millions of scrawny, pale, poker playing youths all over the world! Don't let us down!

Set the record straight. If not for you, then for that one up-and-coming lad or lass out there in the teeming masses of final table hopefuls, that one who will, someday, be there to carry the torch--YOUR torch--into the 22nd century and beyond.

Disclaimer: I just watched Braveheart, so, uh, please understand my verbosity and generally maudlin demeanor.

06-23-2002, 02:22 PM
Raise the flop. This is Mason and Babe. Give them a chance to drop! I've never seen such a meek post from you. This is the guy that 18 bets his 8-9 Suited BB, not to have it anyone dare try to steal!!! Come on, man. I want to hear a better victory than that!!!

BTW, I'd have probably played it the same way!!!!

2-0. Retire now!! Nice post.

Mason, how could you let this man take 2 pots from you??!!!

Babe, You just wanted to encourage the lad, right??!! What a lady! No wonder you are, and always will be, THE BABE!!

06-23-2002, 10:33 PM
"Two limpers, including Pokerbabe, to me in the cutoff. I limp with Ac5c. Mason checks in the big blind. The flop is: 5,4,3 rainbow. Mason bets out. Pokerbabe calls. I meakly call with top pair/top kicker/straight draw. The turn is: 5,4,3,K. Mason checks. Pokerbabe checks. I bet. Mason calls. Pokerbabe folds. The river is a blank and we check it down. Mason said he had a 3. My pair of 5's wins."

If I were you, I'd have raised pre-flop; I'd have raised the flop; I'd have bet the river (which couldn't have been a "blank," since it was an overcard to your pair and Mason was in the big blind).

Limp, call, fold? Doesn't sound like Pokerbabe to me.

Bet, check, check, "I have a 3"? Doesn't sound like Mason to me.

The game sounds easy to me. . . /images/wink.gif

I don't know why you posted these hands, surely Mason would have soon /images/smile.gif

06-24-2002, 10:56 AM

I was thinking all the things you said. Sometimes I think that the only reason I manage to come out ahead at poker is because lots of players stop playing when I'm still in by the turn. They make all my tough decisions easy, by not putting me to them. Sounds like Mason has the same benefit going for him.


06-24-2002, 11:24 PM

06-25-2002, 01:24 AM
Actually, my hand was not good enough to raise btf and not bad enough to toss after the flop. So I "took one off" and couldn't beat the King and then....I was just done with it. Yuck. You are sweet, baggins. Thanks for the /images/smile.gif Babe

06-25-2002, 01:50 PM
My "Mason" experience was a little different. Same place Mirage. Same game, 20/40 Holdem. Mason sat down, and placed $300 in red on the table. He then proceeded to double his money, by winning pots from me IN PARTICULAR. (That's just how it happened.) I have never forgotten that game, even though, it was years ago. In fact, I think about that session quite a bit.

06-26-2002, 03:30 AM
we'll meet someday Babe... i should plan a trip to Vegas one of these days... hmmm... i have a real job now... hmmm...no bankroll yet. i'll keep ya posted. always a delight to read your posts Babe.