View Full Version : help from math geniuses needed....

07-29-2004, 12:07 PM
Big day on saturday- my brother's first wedding. And once the tuxes are done, the gifts bought and all other minor things accomplished, there remains one lingering question- how much should i drink?
I feel i need to come up with a good range that is condusive to
1. thinking everyone is histerically funny (doubly so for myself)
2. hitting on the bridesmaids that ARE NOT my sisters.
3. not vomiting untill very late at night.
4. vomiting very late at night
5. being able to make it back to the bar after vomiting

anything else i should take into account? As far as varience goes- my biggest drinking nights before have been in the vicinity of a liter of absolute, 46 jello shots, 16 christmass ales (a very delicious micro brew here in cleveland makes a wonderful 7.5% brew just for the holidays).
However this is all several years behind me, and of late my drinking has been slowed by unkown forces.
help on a good range/ advice on toasts/ help remembering which female cousins i am closely related to is all appreciated

07-29-2004, 01:27 PM
drink until you get plastered. stop before you throw up.

07-29-2004, 01:31 PM
drink something with water all night. Should keep you somewhat hydrated and won't leave you with a hangover:

Suggest J&B and water. Why waste a good scotch with water.

07-29-2004, 01:41 PM
drunk enough for fat chicks