View Full Version : What is the strategy against passive play?

07-28-2004, 01:38 AM
I play at a 1/2 NL game at a casino daily. I generally succeed when the game is loose enough that there is a raised preflop at least 1/3 of the time and pots are averaging 30-50 bucks or so. It's obvious that loose is good, but every once in a while the game becomes so stale that everyone ends up folding to the blinds and there is never any action. The pots are checked to the showdown. When this starts happening, does playing over aggressive poker win?

Should I start raising preflops with 66+ as well as hands like KT K4s suited connectors to take down the blinds? Should I be betting every button?

Some of these strategies seem a little extreme but I would like to know what is considered conventional theory for a game context such as this.

Thanks in advance.

07-28-2004, 02:36 AM
Yes you answered your own question. Play aggressively in a tight game.