View Full Version : Pot Odds and Tournament Poker

07-21-2004, 12:34 AM
Should I be very concerned with pot odds in tournament games? It seems to me that winning a pot based on odds would not always be the best play. Any thoughts?

Ex. You have a flush draw but will bust if you dont make it but the pot is laying you better than average odds. Sometimes it is better to stay alive rather than take the shot?

07-21-2004, 01:58 AM
This is only true if you are on the bubble and the blinds will put someone allin before you do (in other words, a situation where chipEV is very different from $EV). Otherwise call every time.

07-21-2004, 03:50 AM
I think one of the most important things to understand in playing in tournaments is that the same # of chips have different values based on your stack size. For example, 1,000 chips have a lot more value if that's your total stack - vs. if you have 10,000 chips. Surviving, especially in the early stages, if of paramount importance.

Don't make the mistake of making calling decisions based on pot odds alone, especially when you're on the short stack. If you call off your chips on a flush draw or some other < 50% proposition, that's usually a horrible play. You have to think of the value those chips have if you fold - what other better opportunities you'll have a chance a getting (and usually, even on a shorter stack, you'll have MUCH better opportunities - don't be impatient)

Say you fold a drawing opportunity and are now on a short stack. Well, at least you can make a play getting your money in first now - then you can win blinds/antes with everyone folding, or get called and still win and double back up. Don't call off your chips in marginal spots unless you have a big stack and chips to play with (and are getting proper odds).