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07-18-2004, 09:06 PM
I just hit my third Roayl Flush today on PP. There are two things that are strange about this:

1) I am relatively new player and if I had to guess had many hands I've played, I would say under 200g

2) I have NEVER had a SF on PP. I like to think this is a testament to my premium hand selection. I'm never in with small suited cards unless in the blinds or given good reason.

All things considered this seems to be a very pleasent, if strange occurence. Does anyone else have a similar experience with PP, or online?

07-18-2004, 09:13 PM
Been playing for over 6 months and never hit a royal. Did have 2 or 3 straight flushes though

07-18-2004, 10:12 PM
I took me about 7 months to get my first royal. I've had 2 in the past week. (about 3 months ago from my first). Altho one was only using one card, so I dunno if I really count that. I've had a handful of str8 flushes over this time

07-18-2004, 10:46 PM
In the 30,000 hands I've played since buying pokertracker, I've gotten 2 royals. The second one was tonight. With KTs, the flop came QJ9 of my suit. The Ace of my suit came on the river. This kind of killed my action, as there was four to a flush on the river, and all cards 9 and above were accounted for. Oh well, that's how it goes.
