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  1. Bombs Away on Finland
  2. Al Gore in 2008?
  3. Arafat gone; a good thing for Middle East Peace?
  4. ashcroft replacement
  5. Bush, a massachusetts liberal?
  6. Arnold calls Democrats losers
  7. The Death of Arafat
  8. Federal ID?
  9. If we ran a worldwide election, what would happen
  10. Perfect tie breaker
  11. The time is 8:56 and 10 seconds P.M.
  12. The time is 8:56 and 35 seconds P.M.
  13. The time is 8:57 and 8 seconds P.M.
  14. The time is 9:05 P.M. my second hand on my clock broke!
  15. Its 9:05 and my secondhand is still broke!!!
  17. Some laughs and reflection for All
  18. Sklansky and Malmuth 2008
  19. Rank in order who becomes President of the USA first
  20. What We Democrats Need To Do
  21. Something about Arafat I bet you didn't know
  22. Big Changes Expected in Cabinet Lineup
  23. Cabinet realignment --- Education secretary
  24. The mistake of letting Women Vote
  25. The latest from Michael Moore
  26. The Truth about Arlen Specter and me
  27. When are we gonna do soemthing about Sudan?
  28. Solution to the Drug Problem
  29. An Astute Observation
  30. Breaking News!
  31. `Secularism' in Europe vexes Vatican
  32. Fallujah build-up
  33. Terrorism, Gay Rights, and the Election
  34. A headline today that puzzles me
  35. One thing the conservatives have to agree on
  36. The "problem" with the Democates.
  37. Saving the world...
  38. Thank God it was 11pm
  39. WWJD?
  40. 'I can't believe I'm losing to this idiot'
  41. Bush's "Mandate"
  42. What Liberals don't get about values
  43. Machine Error Gives Bush Extra Ohio Votes
  44. Who actually reached out?
  45. Who is included in "stupid"
  46. Children "Saved" from Evil book Publishers
  47. Kerry Voters get Another Chance (a gift I've been saving for the libs)
  49. Special Report
  50. Kerry the Tilter
  51. Cute Joke
  52. great ad
  53. Frame Wars
  54. Why do we give a rat's arse what Europe thinks?
  55. Republicans and the South
  56. New Republic Article for Dems
  57. How about a hand for Dem VP Candidate Edwards.......
  58. Gay Arabs......
  59. Pope sees Bush and Cheney helping Kerry
  60. "I can't believe this Idiot is so close"
  61. I have uncovered Bushes dirty little secret!MWUHAHAHAHA
  62. Dan Rather Attacks Ed Bradley (follow Dan's Spin or Else)
  63. Michael Moore Concession Speech
  64. Extra Extra!
  65. Lame Duck
  66. How Many 2+2'ers are.....
  67. An Economics Lesson for Democrats
  68. Freedom
  69. Red States Feed off of Blue States
  70. A Beautiful Fall Day to Sit & Gloat.......
  71. 2+2 Swing State contest - results
  72. French Military Attack Kills American
  73. Christians and Party Affiliations
  74. for crying out loud, they'RE ALL RACISTS!!
  75. Take heart you Dems, there's hope
  76. Its Adam and Eve Not Adam and Steve
  77. For Wacki, Number One......C'mon Liberals, Let's Debate....
  78. Republicans already eating their own
  79. Was Bush Wired? Sure Looks Like It.
  80. The first Casualty of my Reelection (how many more?)
  81. Iran makes the biz headlines
  82. Say Sorry to the World
  83. Jesus was a socialist
  84. What Kerry succeeding in hiding from us
  85. Poll for 2008
  86. I wanted to share this from a true conservative
  87. what is wrong with us?????
  88. It's Starting....Jesus and the FDA
  89. Packin' up.
  90. advice from canadians
  91. Mario Brothers for 2008!
  92. Get Your War On
  93. Will We Have a Draft in the Next 4 Years?
  94. Will we invade Iran in the next 4 years?
  95. Could Kerry Still Win?
  96. Misperceptions, The Media, and The Iraq War
  97. More Smarty-pants vote for Bush
  98. Civil Unions as the New Color Line
  99. Placing your hand on the bible in court?
  100. UN Peace Keeping Force
  101. Oil, War & Gas Prices...
  102. Will Cyrus Be Right? Tax Simplification == Tax Increase
  103. Tons of good news in Iraq.
  104. Is ChristinaB really a liberal?
  105. 9/11 was the best thing that has ever happened to republicans...
  106. Once Again
  107. The Right to have a Gay Marriage
  108. Zogby's Mea Culpa
  109. The Dirtiest Word in US politics
  110. The political genius of George W. Bush
  111. Bush and "Moral Values"
  112. Telegraphing Fallujah
  113. Newsweek: Behind-the-scenes of the Presidential Campaigns
  114. One thing is clear from my 2004 results numbers
  115. I'm sure most of you won't care...
  116. Thomas Jefferson
  117. Abortion in Cases of Rape or Incest
  118. Not that it matters, but did you know Laura Bush killed someone?
  119. Clarence Thomas
  120. A picture fit for Michael Moore.
  121. Im sick of gays saying they are born that way...
  122. Appealing to the lowest common denominator?
  123. Being gay is NOT a choice
  124. The stench of the Bush administration will sicken all
  125. Sexuality Forum: the bell curve
  126. what i don't understand about gay marriage
  127. Is buttfukcing actually fukcing
  128. News Alert!
  129. Blue States are healthier
  130. Vote the Environment...
  131. Civil War II - the Final Conflict
  132. A funny rant about the south..
  133. People who need female supervision (i.e. the "right" to marry)...
  134. Secede!
  135. What to do now?
  136. Good WP artice on election and why Republicans voted how they did
  137. Flashback - One Week Ago...
  138. Arafat Poll
  139. Seizing a Stable Majority by Newt Gingrich
  140. Hillary Clinton was hot!
  141. News Flash: John Kerry wins Ohio
  142. Ashcroft Resigns
  143. ..hillary in 2008...!!!
  144. Is Ned Flanders keeping George Bush in the White House?
  145. the reason I will support Hillary Clinton in the primaries
  146. Google conspiracy.
  147. The blue states are more educated...
  148. Pennsylvania and Illinois
  149. A question about the senates Judiciary Committee
  150. "moral values" factor, a media creation?
  151. Curious juxtaposition
  152. Foreign policy triumph
  153. BREAKING NEWS!!!!!
  154. Red states the most generous
  155. Middle East Peace (over/under)
  156. Touche GWB
  157. A "Diplomatic" and "Peaceful" Solution
  158. Comparing 2004 State Results With 2000
  159. A great poem written today
  160. Thank You, Margaret Marshall
  161. The Two State Solution
  162. Our New Attorney General
  163. US Troops Reportedly Gassing Fallujah
  164. How the two parties were formed
  165. maps
  166. Terrorism: Not just Ossama
  167. Who gives a flying [censored] if it's a choice?
  168. The real enemy
  169. Al Qaeda is finished....
  170. If you oppose homosexuality then that means
  171. No Mo' Airy-fat......
  172. Worst Member of Bush's Administration?
  173. A Great Day is Upon Us
  174. Interesting article on Social Security
  175. Cause of Death: Unknown
  176. Crybabies
  177. last "Breaking News"
  178. Get a load of this
  179. Canadian Health Care
  180. 80% Raving Morons
  181. This Just In
  182. Mahmoud abbas elected PLO leader
  183. Arafat's Wife Reportedly Having Sex With The Corpse
  184. New Republic to Kerry: Please go away
  185. Liberals and Conservatives
  186. "Moral Issues"
  187. [censored] the South
  188. Suha to receive $22 million a year from Palestinian Authority
  189. Angry Left pushing for Dean as DNC Chair
  190. What is the philosophy of the Democratic Party?
  191. The Northeast is our of Touch with the country.
  192. Fallujah solutions
  193. listen to this trash
  194. Which of these Bushisms is your favorite?
  195. Arafat Bio
  196. USS Liberty
  197. Things that irritate me
  198. "This is how the Nazi army laid siege to Russian cities.."
  199. Democrats using courts to steal another election
  200. Washington still doesn't have a Governor
  201. Reach Out and Touch Someone
  202. What civilizations have officially sanctioned gay marriage?
  203. Religion & Politics
  204. Deport Bob Dylan
  205. So will CBS fire someone over phony document-gate?
  206. Scott Peterson shows what marriage is really about...
  207. Cheney heart attack?
  208. Kerry's Koffee Klatch Kafe
  209. A John Prine Song - for John Cole et al
  210. Abortion rights vs the religious right
  211. Something else for you Liberal Whackjobs
  212. Secession: Benefits and Drawbacks?
  213. Election Fraud
  214. Terrorism and polygamy
  215. Her Medical Insurance actually Paid for This!
  216. Is GWB a "dry drunk"? -
  217. Five year olds
  218. The GOP and Civil Rights
  219. Iran Nuclear Freeze
  220. Goodbye, Dollar—and Empire - Pat Buchanan
  221. Breaking News: Shocking White House Resignation
  222. Official Arafat Tombstone Thread
  223. More on Gay Marriage
  224. Yassir Arafat, RIP
  225. Atheists should not have the right to marry.
  226. Senate filibuster rule and the "nuclear option"
  227. Favorite Dictator?
  228. Why do you guys think the country is so divided?
  229. Fallujah pictures that didn't make it to your TV screen
  230. Correlation?
  231. Re-taking Hue, Central Iraq
  232. The essence of Palestinian politics
  233. Condoleeza Rice gets with the program (and makes history)
  234. He's faking like he's dead! He is now?!?
  235. Condi 2008
  236. POLL : US Marine survives grenade attack
  237. Margaret Hassan, spent decades bringing food and meds to Iraqis Killed
  238. Why did NBC release this footage?
  239. Iraqi insurgents justified or not?
  240. Terrorists with smiley faces
  241. Straight male seeks Bush supporter...
  242. The first woman elected president will be a...
  243. How many deaths because of terrorism in the US?
  244. The terrorist who beheads innocents
  245. Let's burn some books!
  246. Time's Person of the Year
  247. Two Drowning Retailers to Sink Together
  248. U.S. soldiers treat wounds of foreign fighters in Fallujah
  249. Have you bought the Conventional Wisdom?
  250. Cold War - Round 2? Russias new Nuclear Program